Note 2 to Chapter 4 of the author's Pegasus in Harness: Victorian Publishing and W. M. Thackeray, which University Press of Virginia published in 1992. It has been included in the Victorian Web with the kind permission of the author, who of course retains copyright.

On 17 Dec. 1872 Trollope wrote to Baron Tauchnitz concerning the foreign rights to his works- "Latterly in order that I might avoid the trouble of many bargainings I have sold my novels with all the rights of copyright to the English purchaser' and have, therefore, given over to him the power to do what he pleases as to foreign editions. .. . As to the future I will arrange that the German republication shall be with you" (Verlag Bernhard Tauchnitz, p. 124).

Last modified 30 November 2021