Grainger Mercado
class="building">Placa conmemorativa de Grainger

class="place">Grainger Mercado

class="place">Newcastle upon Tyne

class="comment">Sacred to the memory of Richard Grainger and Rachel his wife. A citizen of Newcastle upon Tyne does not need to be reminded of the genius of Richard Grainger and a stranger is referred to the principal streets in the centre of the city as forming the most splendid and enduring monument to that genius. He died 4th July 1861, his wife 16th October 1842. This tablet is erected by the direction of their daughter Rachel Elizabeth Burns 1868."

Otras imagénes

  • Arcos de Interior
  • Entrada
  • De techo construido de hierro y cristal
  • Balanzas para pesar las mercancías [Weigh House]
  • El Northern Optical Company
  • Céntimo Bazar [Penny Bazaar] de Marks and Spencer
  • class="photographer">Photograph 2006 by Jaqueline Banerjee

    class="permission"> [Esta imagen se puede usar sin autorización previa para cualquier propósito académico o educativo, siempre y cuando mencione (1) el nombre del fotógrafo y (2) enlace el documento a esta dirección URL.]