

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Self-Regarding Condunct

  1. The Traditional Interpretation
  2. Affecting the Interests of Others
  3. The Irrelevance of Society's "Likings and Dislikings"
  4. Utilitarianism and Self-Regarding Conduct: Wollheim's Interpretation
  5. Dworkin on External Preferences
  6. Utilitarian Defence of Absolute Prohibition
  7. Two Levels of Moral Thinking
  8. Reasons for Intervention

Chapter Three: Morality and Utility

  1. Evaluaciones morales y no-morales de conducta.
  2. The Art of Life
  3. Lyons on Mill's Theory of Morality
  4. Self-Regarding Conduct and the Non-Moral Sphere

Chapter Four: Harm to Others

  1. Harm as the Non-Fulfilment of Desire
  2. Mill's Concept of Harm
  3. Causing Harm and Preventing Harm

Chapter Five

  • Individualitad
  • La aplicación de valores compartidos

    1. Tesis de Devlin de Desintegración
    2. Mill's Stable Society
    3. The Conservative Thesis
    4. Offensive Nuisances
    5. Religious Toleration and Moral Toleration

    Chapter Seven: Paternalism

    1. Weak Paternalism
    2. Strong Paternalism
    3. Selling Oneself into Slavery
    4. Harming One's Later Self

    Chapter Eight: Freedom of Expression

    Chapter Nine: Mill and Liberty

    1. Introduction
    2. Cowling's Mill
    3. Himmelfarb's Two Mills
    4. The Young Mill