Sir Rowland Hill, by Brock

Sir Rowland Hill (1795-1879)

Sir Thomas Brock, K.C.B., R.A. 1847-1922

Marble, on a stone pedestal



[Entire monument]

"'Brock and Onslow Ford had both exhibited staues of Hill at the R. A. Exhibition in 1882, thus giving an opportunity to make a direct comparison of work by the two sculptors. Gosse [writing in the Saturday Review] found neither effigy was very 'inspiriting', but considered that Brock's was the more natural in pose" (Sankey 87). [Cf. Onslow Ford's statue of Hill in London. Was Gosse right? Is it at all relevant that Hill, obsessive about his work, had a reputation for stiffness? — JB].

Photograph and text kindly provided by John Sankey, whose copyright they remain.