
Alexander Gibbs (attributed)

Early 1860s

Romsey Abbey, Hampshire

The beautiful window is rarely noticed because it is high in the gable of the north transept, and best seen from the choir stalls on the south side of the chancel. The figure has often been identified as that of St Cecilia, because it is holding a harp — but it is an angel with blue, green and orange wings, whereas St Cecilia was a Roman peasant girl. There was also a story that it had been placed in the high gable when the organ was moved from the gallery beneath in 1888, to show that there had been music in this area. Robert Eberhard, in consultation with two other stained glass experts, suggests that it was almost certainly by Gibbs, and would have dated from the early 1860s. This fits comfortably with Gibbs’ other commissions in the Abbey, and is the best information we have at present.

Photographs by Liz Hallett, Parish Historian, who also kindly contributed the text. Formatting by Jacqueline Banerjee.

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Related Material

  • Romsey Abbey (this gives links to other stained glass windows there)