What's new in Hypertext 3.0: New Media in an Age of Globalization

George P. Landow, Professor of English and the History of Art


New sections

1. Introduction

2. Very Active Readers (Chapter 1)

3. Linking in Open Hypermedia Systems: Vannevar Bush Walks the Web (Chapter 1)

4. Hypertext without Links? (Chapter 1)

5. The Place of Hypertext in the History of Information Technology (Chapter 1)

6. Scholarship and Google (part of above)

7. Interactive or Ergotic? (Chapter 1)

8. New Forms of Discursive Prose: Academic Writing and Weblogs (Chapter 3)

9. Nielsen and web usability (Chapter 3)

10. Animated Text (Chapter 3)

11. Stretchtext (Chapter 3)

12. How the Author for Print differs from the Hypertext Author (Chapter 4)

13. New examples of forced single-author bylines (Chapter 4)

14. Long addition to "Converting Print Texts to Hypertext" — also more on blogs (Chapter 4)

15. Discussion of of 6 ways of treating print footnotes in HTML, in "Converting Foot- and Endnotes" (Chapter 4)

16. Discussion of QuickTime VR in "Rules for Dynamic Data in Hypermedia") (Chapter 4)

17. Is this hypertext any good? Or, how do we evaluate quality in hypermedia? (Chapter 5)

18. Computer games, hypertext, and narrative (Chapter 6)

19. Digitizing the Movies: Interactive versus Multiplied Cinema (Chapter 6)

20. Is Hypertext Fiction Possible? [uses old conclusion to Chapter 6]

21. The Effect of WWW on "Nontraditional Students: The Distant Learner and Readers outside Educational Institutions;" all students engage in distance education. (Chapter 7)

22. New assignment added to "Reconfiguring Assignments and Methods of Evaluation" (Chapter 7)

23. Section on WWW added to "After Intermedia"] (Chapter 7)

24. "Answered Prayers" moved from Chapter 8 to near close of Chapter 7

25. "Getting the Paradigm Right" (Chapter 7) — long new section, key

26. Can Hypertext Empower Anyone? Does Hypertext have a Political Logic? [major new section including global politics, discussions of Aarseth and Ryan, and the question of reader empowerment] (Chapter 8)

27. Hypertext and Postcolonial Literature, Theory, and Criticism (Chapter 8)

28. Infotech, Empires, and Decolonization (Chapter 8)

29. Hypertext as Paradigm for Postcoloniality (Chapter 8)

30. Forms of Postcolonialist Amnesia (Chapter 8)

31. Slashdot: the Reader as Writer and Editor in a Multi-User Weblog (Chapter 8)

32. New Sections in "Access to the Text and the Author's Right (Copyright)" on dangers of links (example of art photographers being lumped with pornography); Active Navigation's Portal Maximizer (others can put links in your web docs!)

33. Is the Hypertextual World of the Internet Anarchy or Big Brother's Realm?

Materials in Hypertext 2.0 removed from this version

1. "Miss Austen's Submission" — short story with multiple endings. (Chapter 8)

2. Discussion of Michael Ryan's critical Marxism. (Chapter 8)

3. Epilogue

4. Discussion of Microsoft Art Gallery, Chapter 4

5. Half a dozen plates

6. Detailed information about In Memoriam Web and other collaborative projects.

spectrum line

G. P.

Last modified 23 April 2005