Decorated initial T

he stage is not merely the meeting place of all the arts, but is also the return of art to life." Oscar Wilde.

The seventh Power of the Word conference will focus upon the 'dramatised word', and the way in which "the power of the word" is expressed through enactment or performance. We find this potency in literary and in biblical/theological conceptions of the logos as creative power, and in philosophical analyses of the 'performed word' in rhetoric and tragedy.

How does the notion of performance or enactment enhance the conversation between theology, philosophy, and literature? We invite proposals from literary scholars, theologians, philosophers, creative writers and practitioners, for 20-minute papers (with 10 minutes of discussion).

As in previous Power of the Word conferences, we welcome both papers which address theoretical issues and case studies of particular authors and texts, whether literary, philosophical or theological from different countries, cultures and traditions. Issues and topics for consideration include:

We would also like to encourage the formation of panels around particular themes, authors and texts. Individual case studies and panels might focus on, for example:

If you wish to give a paper, please send a title and abstract of no more than 250 words, together with a brief curriculum vitae by 1st December 2023. For ease of reference, when labeling the file containing your abstract and C.V., please include your name. Acceptance of proposals will be notified by 1st February 2024. Please find the portal for submitting proposals here

Last modified 17 October 2023