12 to 23, North Side, Clapham Common. T. R. Way. Signed and dated 1899. Lithograph. Source: Reliques of Old London, 81. Click on image to enlarge it.

Commentary by H. B. Wheatley from Reliques of Old London

CLAPHAM COMMON has ever been one of the most pleasing of the southern suburbs, and its character is well described in the expression — "the villa-cinctured common." Many of the fine old houses, such as that one which was built for Bishop Gauden and lived in by Sir Dennis Gauden, and afterwards by W. Hewer, and his friend Samuel Pepys, have been pulled down.

The great philosopher, Henry Cavendish, styled the "Newton of Chemistry," lived in a house which is now re-fronted and altered. The name of Cavendish Road is due to this readence of Henry Cavendish.

There is considerable inequality in the appearance of the houses in this drawing, but they harmonize with the trees and the shrubs, and go to form an effective picure of an important portion of the surroundings of this famous common. This row, numbering 12 to 23, North Side, was formerly known as Church Buildings.

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Way, T. R., and H. B. Wheatley. Reliques of Old London upon the Banks of the Thames and in the Subburbs South of the River. London: George Bell and Sons, 1909. [title page] Internet Archive version of a copy in the Boston Public Library. Web. 22 April 2012.

Last modified 23 April 2012