The Archimandrite Nikandros

From a drawing by (Ann) Mary Newton (1832-1866)

Etched by Arthur Severn (1842-1931)

Source: Newton, facing p. 182


On their travels in the Levant, Mary and Charles Newton met the Archimandrite when they visited the monastry at Zambika, on the south coast of Rhodes, during the Easter celebrations. Mary Newton sketched the elderly patriarch for her husband, and her brother Arthur later engraved the sketch for Charles Newton's subsequent book about their travels and his archeological finds. This particular sketch was no hasty one, but a sympathetic and evocative portrait of the Archimandrite, with enough background detail to suggest the setting. [Commentary continues below.]

Image download, text and formatting by Jacqueline Banerjee. [Click on the image to enlarge it, and mouse over the text for links.]