Letter cover of a Letter from E. Grant to J Lacosta, 3 Sun Court, Cornhill. Image and text by Eunice Shanahan. Eunice and Ron Shanahan have shared with readers of the Victorian Web this material from their website, Letters from the Past.

The three postal markings trace the path it took from being handed in at the Tottenham Court Two Penny Post receiving office on Saturday 24 May 1817, to the delivery in Cornhill. [Transcrition and discussion of entire letter.]

  1. Unpaid stamp — surprisingly that was applied in red ink which was usually confined to Paid mail, and the letter has a note (4) by the writer that it was paid ! It was transferred to the Westminster Office of the Twopenny Post, for delivery
  2. the datestamp — identified as being the Westminster Office, and not the Chief Office, as it has the month before day. This type of indented oval 10 o'clock Forenoon date stamp was in use until 1822.
  3. the handstruck '2' showing that the letter would cost twopence.

16 September 2005