Education Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams. An Autobiography. Constable, London, 1919.
Life Leon Edel, Henry James. A Life. London: Flamingo, 1996.
Small Boy Henry James, A Small Boy and Others. London: Gibson Square Books, 2001
Letters Henry James Letters. Ed. Leon Edel. 4 vols. London: Macmillan, 1974-1984.
Selected Letters Henry James: Selected Letters. Ed. Leon Edel. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1987
Portraits Henry James, Portraits of Places [Macmillan, 1883]. London: Duckworth, 2001.
Monteiro The Correspondence of Henry James and Henry Adams, 1877-191. Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press, 1992.
Princess Casamassima Henry James. The Princess Casamassima [1886]. ed. by Derek Brewer, notes by Patricia Crick, Penguin Books, London 1987.
Samuels Henry Adams: Selected Letters. Ed. Ernest Samuels. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, c. 1992.
Wenlock Abbey Cynthia Gamble, Wenlock Abbey 1857-1919: A Shropshire Country House and the Milnes Gaskell Family. Ellingham Press, Much Wenlock, 2015.

Last modified 12 March 2020