To open a new section of the Victorian Web on an author, issue, or other topic requires the following: (1) a biography, chronology, or both, (2) a list of works, and (3) an introduction or other relevant essay. [Disponible en español]

If you have materials you would like to have included, please see the directions for contributors and contact the webmaster.

  • George Gissing
  • Catherine Gore
  • Edmund Gosse
  • Sarah Grand
  • George and Weedom Grossmith
  • Arthur Henry Hallam
  • Thomas Hardy
  • Margaret Harkness
  • George Heath
  • Sir Arthur Helps
  • Felicia Hemans
  • William Ernest Henley
  • Henry Holbeach (pseud.)
  • Thomas Hood
  • E. W. Hornung
  • Mary Howitt
  • William Howitt
  • Gerard Manley Hopkins
  • A. E. Housman
  • Laurence Housman
  • Catherine Hubback
  • Thomas Hughes
  • Henry James
  • G.P.R. James
  • M.R. James
  • Richard Jefferies
  • Louis Jennings
  • William Jerdan
  • Douglas William Jerrold
  • Geraldine Jewsbury
  • Julia Kavanagh
  • John Keble
  • Francis Kilvert
  • Charles Kingsley
  • Henry Kingsley
  • Rudyard Kipling
  • Laetitia E. Landon
  • Walter Savage Landor
  • Edward Lear
  • Charles Lever
  • Amy Levy
  • Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
  • George Henry Lewes
  • Eliza Lynn Linton
  • Thomas Babington Macaulay
  • George Macdonald
  • Arthur Machen
  • William Maginn
  • Emma Marshall
  • Captain Marryat
  • Harriet Martineau
  • Gerald Massey
  • Henry Mayhew
  • George Meredith
  • Harriet Taylor Mill
  • John Stuart Mill
  • George Moore
  • Thomas Moore
  • Hannah More
  • Henry Morley
  • Francis Orpen Morris
  • William Morris
  • Arthur Morris
  • Celia Moss
  • Marion Moss
  • Arthur J. Munby
  • Edith Nesbit
  • John Henry Cardinal Newman
  • Caroline Norton
  • Ouida (Maria Louise Ramé)
  • Margaret Oliphant
  • Walter Pater
  • Coventry Patmore
  • Beatrix Potter
  • William Brighty Rands
  • Charles Reade
  • G.W.M. Reynolds
  • Charlotte Riddell
  • Samuel Rogers
  • Christina Rossetti
  • Dante Gabriel Rossetti
  • John Ruskin
  • Olive Schreiner
  • Elizabeth Missing Sewell
  • William Sharp (Fiona MacLeod)
  • Lydia Sigourney
  • Samuel Smiles
  • Leslie Stephen
  • Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Bram Stoker
  • R. S. Surtees
  • Algernon Charles Swinburne
  • J. A. Symonds
  • Arthur Symons
  • Sir Henry Taylor
  • Alfred, Lord Tennyson
  • W. M. Thackeray
  • James Thomson
  • Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna
  • Anthony Trollope
  • Frances Trollope
  • “Walter” (My Secret Life)
  • Mary Augusta Ward
  • H. G. Wells
  • Oscar Wilde
  • Isaac Williams
  • Mrs. Henry Wood
  • Theodore Wratislaw
  • George Whyte-Melville
  • W. B. Yeats
  • Charlotte Yonge
  • Israel Zangwill

  • Aesthetes, Decadents, and Symbolists
  • Victorian Diaries and Journals
  • Various genres (detective fiction, ghost stories, nautical fiction etc.)
  • Reviews of books about Victorian literature
  • Some Pre-Victorians
  • Some Post-Victorians

  • Last modified 29 July 2021