Dr. Richard Hughes Gibson (Ph.D. University of Virginia) is the author or coauthor of three books: Forgiveness in Victorian Literature (2015); Charitable Writing (with James Beitler III, 2020); and Paper Electronic Literature: An Archeology of Born-Digital Materials (2021). In recent articles published in the journals Arion, Oral Tradition, Dante Studies, and Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Dr. Gibson's academic writing has also addressed topics such as English translations of Homer, Dante's notions of fame and punishment, and artistic treatments of friendship. He writes regularly for a general audience, with essays appearing in venues such as Plough Quarterly, Inside Higher Ed, Books and Culture, and The Hedgehog Review. With his colleague Jeremy Botts, he co-directs the Manibus Press, an occasional publisher of artists' books.

Created 4 April 2021