Colonel Diver and Jefferson Brick

Sol Eytinge

Wood engraving, approximately 10 cm high by 7.5 cm wide (framed), facing p. 152.

Initial illustration for Dickens's The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit in the Ticknor and Fields (Boston, 1867) Diamond Edition.

In this fifth full-page dual character study for the novel, Eytinge examines the American fifth estate's representatives in a manner far more benign than that of Dickens and Phiz in the serial illustration set in the offices of The New York Rowdy Journal (a pseudonym for the notorious The New York Evening Tattler, which made an attempt on 11 August 1842 to embarrass Dickens with a letter entitled "Boz's Opinion of Us," about copyright — spuriously published as if by Charles Dickens himself). [Continued below]