Portraiture is to most sculptors what steam is to machines, for it sets them in motion and it keeps them going. They would soon be idle for want of it. But even if the great majority of them can turn out attractive portrait busts, it does not necessarily follow that art gains much thereby. Indeed, there are many who contend that art loses much, for it is a rare thing to meet with a sculptor who can satisfy his sitters and their relatives and yet produce such good work as commands admiration both” by the freedom of its style and” by the subtle and fearless truth of the character revealed” by it. Without these qualities of art a portrait bust is not worth much more attention than a good photograph. That most English sculptors are apt to give insufficient attention to this fact is well known. — The Studio

Busts and, less commonly, statues carried the funerary tradition into the world of the living. The features of the Duke of Wellington, Walter Scott, George IV and James Watt are so familiar now because Chantrey created the icon. Reproduced down the decades, they have burned into the national memory: the Duke of Wellington's nose, James Watt's mouth, the jowls of George IV, all hang on a marble peg. . . . The business of art in the nineteenth century was as much to promote the status quo as it was to delight, to challenge and to change. — James Hamilton

Actors and Actresses

  • Martin Harvey
  • Sir Henry Irving
  • Ellaline Terriss (Toft)
  • Ellen Terry
  • Lewis Waller
  • Authors

  • Lord Belfast
  • Walter Besant (Frampton)
  • Robert Browning
  • Edward Bulwer-Lytton
  • Robert Burns (Edinburgh)
  • Robert Burns (Ewing)
  • Robert Burns (Lawson)
  • Robert Burns (Amelia Hill)
  • John Bunyan (Garbe)
  • Thomas Carlyle (Thomas)
  • Thomas Carlyle (Gallery)
  • Thomas Campbell
  • John Clare
  • Cicero
  • John Wilson Croker (Chantrey)
  • W. S. Gilbert (Frampton)
  • Oliver Goldsmith (Foley)
  • Thomas Hughes (Brock)
  • Charles Kingsley (Woolner)
  • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Brock)
  • Thomas Babbington Macaulay (Thomas)
  • John Milton (Daymond)
  • Tom Moore
  • Coventry Patmore (Woolner)
  • Charles Reade
  • John Ruskin (Gallery)
  • Sir William Howard Russell (war correspondent)
  • William Shakespeare (Daymond)
  • W. T. Stead (Frampton)
  • Alfred Lord Tennyson (Woolner)
  • Architects

  • Charles Barry (Bates)
  • George Basevi (Mazzotti)
  • Alfred W. Bayes (Bayes)
  • Bramante
  • William Chambers (Bayes)
  • R. Cosway (Gillick)
  • Inigo Jones (Wheatley)
  • Edward Welby Pugin
  • Sir Robert Smirke
  • J. D. Sedding and His Wife Rose (Pomeroy)
  • John Thorpe (Rollins)
  • Charles Harrison Townsend (Derwent Wood)
  • William Wilkins (Baily)
  • Christopher Wren (Wheatley)
  • Painters

  • Edwin Austin Abbey (Brock)
  • George Barrett, Jr. (Ford)
  • Frank Brangwyn
  • Robert Brough (Derwent Wood)
  • Ralph Caldecott (Gilbert)
  • John Constable (V. Hill)
  • John Robert Cozens (Ford)
  • Thomas Gainsborough (Babb)
  • Godfrey Kneller (Thomas)
  • Thomas Lawrence (Thomas)
  • Frederic Lord Leighton (Brock)
  • The Lord Leighton Memorial (Brock)
  • Frederic Lord Leighton (Boyes)
  • Lely (Thomas)
  • MichelAngelo
  • Sir John Everett Millais
  • Thomas Girtin (Ford)
  • Hans Holbein (Thomas)
  • William Hogarth (Durham)
  • William Hogarth (Sheppard)
  • William Hogarth (Thomas)
  • William Henry Hunt (Ford)
  • Sir John Everett Millais (Myrander)
  • Sir John and Lady Millais (Boehm)
  • William Mulready (Sykes)
  • Sir Joseph Noel Paton (V. Hill)
  • Sir Joshua Reynolds (Armstead or Philip)
  • Sir Joshua Reynolds (Sheppard)
  • Sir Joshua Reynolds (Thomas)
  • George Romney (Babb)
  • Paul Sandby (Ford)
  • Titian
  • J. M. W. Turner (Ford)
  • J. M. W. Turner (Gillick)
  • J. M. W. Turner (MacDowell)
  • J. M. W. Turner (Collins)
  • Anthony van Dyke (Thomas)
  • G. F. Watts (Gilbert)
  • G. F. Watts (Goulden)
  • Sculptors

  • John Bacon (Frith)
  • Sir Francis Chantrey (Pegram)
  • Sir Francis Chantrey (Thomas)
  • John Flaxman (Pegram)
  • J. H. Foley (Gamble)
  • Auguste Rodin (Tweed)
  • Roubiliac (Thomas)
  • Alfred Stevens (Gamble)
  • Designers and Craftsmen

  • Huntington Shaw (Broadbent)
  • Thomas Chippendale (Hodge)
  • William Caxton (Montford)
  • Grinling Gibbons (Frith)
  • William Morris (Walker)
  • Roger Payne (Walker)
  • Thomas Tompion (Broadbent)
  • William Torel (Jenkins)
  • Josiah Wedgwood (Hodge)
  • Musicians, Composers, and Impressarios

  • John Ella (Hamo Thornycroft)
  • Sir Augustus Harris (Brock)
  • Ignace Jan Paderewski (Gilbert)
  • Arthur Sullivan (John)
  • Royalty

  • Queen Victoria (Gallery)
  • King Alfred the Great (Armstead or Philip)
  • King Edward VII (Brock)
  • King Edward VII (Mackennal)
  • King Edward VII (March)
  • King Edward the Confesor, an Angel, and Christianity (Armstead or Philip)
  • Queen Elizabeth I (Armstead or Philip)
  • King Ethelbert (Armstead or Philip)
  • George IV (Chantrey)
  • King George V (March)
  • King George V (Frampton)
  • Queen Mary (Frampton)
  • Military Figures

  • Lieutenant General Sir Ralph Abercrombie, K. B.
  • Major General Lousada Barrow (Mullins)
  • The Black Prince, Edward Prince of Wales (Brock)
  • Colin Campbell, Field Marshal Lord Clyde
  • Major-General Thomas Dundas (Bacon)
  • Major-General Sir Herbert Edwardes (Foley)
  • General Charles Gordon (Hamo Thornycroft)
  • General Charles Gordon (Pomeroy)
  • General Charles Gordon (Theed)
  • Earl Haig (Wade)
  • Major General Sir Henry Havelock (Behnes)
  • Sir John Hope, fourth Earl of Hopetoun
  • Lt. Col William Martin Leake (Behnes)
  • Admiral Edmund Lord Lyons
  • Captain Edward Mowbray Lyons
  • Admiral Sir Pultney Malcolm
  • Lieutenant-General Sir John Moore (Bacon)
  • Charles James Napier (Adams)
  • Charles James Napier
  • General William Francis Patrick Napier (Adams)
  • Horatio Lord Nelson (Baily)
  • Brigadier General John Nicholson (Brock)
  • Memorial to Charles Berkeley Pigott
  • Captain Henry Langhorne Thompson, C. B.
  • Basil Webb
  • Monuments to the Duke of Wellington
  • The Wellington Monument, St. Paul's (Stevens)
  • Politicians and statesmen

  • Duke of Albany
  • Duke of York
  • George Canning (Westmacott)
  • Lord W. G. F. Cavendish Bentinck
  • Robert Lord Clive (Tweed)
  • Richard Cobden (Noble)
  • Oliver Cromwell (Noble)
  • Oliver Cromwell (Hamo Thornycroft)
  • Lord Derby (Noble)
  • Benjamin Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield)
  • Sir Daniel Dixon (Hamo Thornycroft)
  • Captain George Duff (Bacon)
  • First Marquess of Dufferin and Ava (Pomeroy)
  • Sir E. Hornby (Pomeroy)
  • Francis Light
  • Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston (Young)
  • Lord Salisbury, R. Gascoyne-Cecil (Bruce Joy)
  • G. Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, 1st Earl of Minto
  • Charles James Fox (Westmacott)
  • Bartle Frere (Brock)
  • W. E. Gladstone (Hamo Thornycroft)
  • William Gladstone (Brock)
  • William Gladstone, Liverpool (Brock)
  • William Gladstone (Hamo Thornycroft, Glasgow)
  • William Gladstone (Acton-Adams)
  • Charles, Earl Grey (Baily)
  • Warren Hastings
  • Sidney Herbert (Walker)
  • Rowland Hill (Ford)
  • Rowland Hill (Theed)
  • Sir Rowland Hill (Brock)
  • R.G. Hill-Snook
  • William Huskisson (Gibson)
  • Sir John Jenkins
  • Lord Lawrence, Viceroy of India (Boehm)
  • Lord Lawrence, Viceroy of India (Woolner)
  • Sir John Alexander Macdonald
  • Robert Montgomery of the Bengal Civil Service (Bruce-Joy)
  • Sir Thomas More (Daymond)
  • Daniel O'Connell (Foley)
  • John Oswald (Marochetti)
  • Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston (Noble)
  • Sir Henry Parkes (Brock)
  • Sir Robert Peel (Noble)
  • Sir Robert Peel (Manchester)
  • William Pitt the Younger (Westmacott)
  • Cecil Rhodes (Derwent Wood)
  • Sir Stamford Raffles (Woolner)
  • Sir Cowasfee Jehanghir Readimoney (Woolner)
  • Richard John Seddon (Brock)
  • Henry Shrubsole (Williamson)
  • Sir Lakshmiswar Bahadur Singh, Maharajah of Darbhanga (Ford)
  • Herbert Stewart
  • Sir Richard Temple (Brock)
  • William Wilberforce (Armstead or Philip)
  • Sir Guy Fleetwood Wilson (Hampton)
  • Sir John Woodburn (John)
  • Explorers

  • Joseph René Bellot
  • Captain James Cook (Armstead or Philip)
  • Captain James Cook (Brock)
  • Christopher Columbus (Chavalliaud)
  • Sir Francis Drake (Armstead or Philip)
  • Sir John Franklin (Noble)
  • David Livingstone (gallery)
  • David Livingstone
  • Robert Falcon Scott (Scott)
  • Robert Falcon Scott (Babb)
  • Ernest H. Shackleton (Jagger)
  • Scientists, Engineers, and Inventors

  • Archimedes (Woodington)
  • William Babington, M.D. F.R.S. (Behnes)
  • George Russell Cockerell
  • Sir Astley Patson Cooper (Bacon)
  • Georges Cuvier
  • John Dalton (Chantrey)
  • Charles Darwin (Chavalliaud)
  • Charles Darwin (Boehm)
  • Humphrey Davy (Sykes, Gamble, Townroe)
  • Humphrey Davy (Noble)
  • Galen
  • Thomas Graham
  • Sir Edward Harland
  • Sir James Haslett (Pomeroy)
  • William Harvey (Durham)
  • John Hunter (Noble)
  • T. H. Huxley (Ford)
  • James Prescott Joule (Gilbert)
  • Lord Kelvin
  • Pierre Simon Laplace
  • Sir Henry Montgomery Lawrence
  • Carl Linnæus
  • Joseph Lord Lister (Brock)
  • Joseph Lord Lister, Westminster Abbey (Brock)
  • Joseph Lord Lister, Portland Place (Brock)
  • Robert Milligan (Westmacott)
  • Sir Isaac Newton (Daymond)
  • Sir Isaac Newton (Durham)
  • Sir Richard Owen (Brock)
  • Sir Isaac Pitman (Brock)
  • Joseph Priestley (Drury)
  • Joseph Priestley (Bayes)
  • Joseph Priestley (Williamson)
  • Adam Sedgwick (Woolner)
  • Sir William Reardom Smith
  • George Stephenson (Lough)
  • Robert Stephenson (Marochetti)
  • James Watt (Victoria & Albert)
  • James Watt (Chantrey)
  • Philosophers

  • Professor Robert Adamson (Bayes)
  • Francis Bacon (Armstead or Philip)
  • Francis Bacon (Pomeroy)
  • Francis Bacon (Theed)
  • Sir Francis Bacon (Daymond)
  • Francis Bacon (Woolner)
  • Jeremy Bentham (Durham)
  • Edmund Burke (Foley)
  • David Hume (Noble)
  • Justinian (Woodington)
  • Gottfried Leibnitz
  • John Locke (Theed)
  • John Locke (Westmacott)
  • John Stuart Mill (Woolner)
  • Plato (Woodington)
  • Henry Sidgwick (Bayes)
  • Adam Smith (Theed)
  • Ecclesiastics

  • Thomas Becket
  • James Rice Buckley (John)
  • Bishop Sir Edwyn Hoskyns (Reynolds-Stephens)
  • John Henry Newman (Woolner)
  • Bishop Brownlow North
  • Henry Philpott, Bishop of Worcester (Brock)
  • Frederick Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury
  • Tomb of Bishop Wilberforce
  • William Wykeham (Rollins)
  • Philanthropists

  • Alexander Balfour
  • William Haig Brown (Bates)
  • The 3rd Marquess of Bute
  • Sir Charles Cameron (Tinworth)
  • Dr. Henry Cooke)
  • John Cory (John)
  • Quintin Hogg
  • John Howard (Gilbert)
  • John Howard (St. Paul's Cathedral)
  • Canon Thomas Major Lester
  • The Tombs of Lord Leverhulme and His Wife
  • Florence Nightingale (Walker)
  • Florence Nightingale (Merrett)
  • Mgr. James Nugent
  • Robert Raikes (Brock)
  • William Rathbone
  • Cowasjee Jehangir Readymoney
  • George and Sir Richard Tangye
  • Sir Henry Tate
  • Eminent Ladies and Other Individuals

  • Lady Belhaven and Stenton
  • Harriet Elizabeth, Lady Beresford (Westmacott)
  • Mrs. Herbert Cory (John)
  • Elsie Doncaster (Drury)
  • Hannah Findlay
  • Muriel Goscombe John
  • Mr. and Mrs. Macloghlin (Gilbert)
  • Eliza Millard Macloghlin (Gilbert)
  • Mary Peal
  • Dame Edith Smyth (Bayes)
  • Lady Catherine Stepney
  • Dwarkamath Tagore (Weekes)
  • Lady Tata CBE (Bayes)
  • W. C. Wentworth (Woolner)
  • Related Material

  • A Temple of British Worthies: The Historic Portrait Busts in the Athenæum

  • Victorian Web Homepage Visual Arts Sculpture

    Last modified 30 January 2015